Non bitwise serializable objects

You'll have to provide a serializer function for your class. One way of doing this is to derive your class from serializable and to provide a method "serialize":

           class Your_class : public serializable {
               void serialize( CnC::serializer & );

In the implementation of this serialize method you should use the operator& of the serializer class. Here is an example:

           class Your_class : public serializable {
               double x;
               float  y;
               int    len;
               char*  arr; // array of lenth len
               void serialize( CnC::serializer & buf ) {
                   buf & x
                       & y
                       & len;
                   buf & CnC::chunk< char >( arr, len_arr ); // chunk declared below

This method will called for both packing and unpacking (what will actually be done, depends on the internal mode of the serializer.)
Alternatively, you can provide a global function

           void serialize( serializer& buf, Your_class& obj );

which should use the operator& of the serializer class (same as for method 2. above). This is useful in cases where you want to leave your class unchanged.

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